Who I Love (some influential teachers with links)

  1. Abraham Hicks (Esther and Jerry Hicks) - Law of Attraction teachers, known for "The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham"
  2. Alan Watts - Philosopher and writer, known for "The Wisdom of Insecurity" and "The Way of Zen"
  3. Annie Lamott - Author and activist, known for "Bird by Bird" and "Operating Instructions"
  4. Bruce Lipton - Cellular biologist and author, known for "The Biology of Belief"
  5. Clayton Olsen - Relationship coach, founder of "The Pathway To His Heart" program
  6. David Friedman - Author of "The Thought Exchange", known for his work on personal transformation
  7. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn - Physician advocating for plant-based nutrition, known for "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease"
  8. Dr. Colin Campbell - Nutrition researcher and author, known for "The China Study"
  9. Dr. John McDougall - Physician promoting plant-based diets, known for "The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss"
  10. Dr. Randy Lewis - Author of "The Infertility Cure", known for his work in infertility treatment
  11. Gregg Braden - Author and speaker on science and spirituality, known for "The Divine Matrix" and "The God Code"
  12. Jack Butler - Coach and YouTuber, known for his relationship advice videos
  13. Jack Kornfield - Buddhist teacher and author, known for "A Path with Heart" and "After the Ecstasy, the Laundry"
  14. Joe Dispenza - Author and lecturer on neuroscience and spirituality, known for "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" and "Becoming Supernatural"
  15. Joseph Campbell - Mythologist and author, known for "The Hero with a Thousand Faces"
  16. Katherine Woodward Thomas - Author of "Conscious Uncoupling", known for her work on conscious relationships
  17. Lynne McTaggart - Author and journalist, known for "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment"
  18. Malcolm Gladwell - Author and journalist, known for "The Tipping Point" and "Outliers"
  19. Marc Evan Katz - Dating coach and author, known for "Why He Disappeared" and "Believe in Love"
  20. Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil rights leader, known for his leadership in the American civil rights movement
  21. Mary Morrissey - Transformational speaker and author, known for "No Less Than Greatness" and "Building Your Field of Dreams"
  22. Matthew Hussey - Relationship coach and author, known for "Get the Guy" and "The Secret Scripts"
  23. Melanie Beckler - Angel communicator and author, known for her angelic guidance and meditations
  24. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Author of "Flow", known for his work on the psychology of optimal experience
  25. Mike Dooley - Author and speaker, known for "Infinite Possibilities" and "Notes from the Universe"
  26. Pema Chödrön - Buddhist nun and author, known for "When Things Fall Apart" and "The Places That Scare You"
  27. Ralph Smart - YouTuber and speaker, known for his YouTube channel "Infinite Waters"
  28. Rory Ray - Love coach and YouTuber, known for his relationship advice videos
  29. Thich Nhat Hanh - Buddhist monk and peace activist, known for "The Miracle of Mindfulness" and "Peace Is Every Step"

list with additional names of teachers, links to be added over time

Brene Brown - Researcher and author, known for "The Gifts of Imperfection" and "Daring Greatly" Byron Katie - Author and speaker, known for "The Work", a method for questioning and shifting one's thoughts. Chögyam Trungpa - Tibetan Buddhist meditation master and teacher, known for "Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism" and "Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior" Dr. Mark Epstein - Psychiatrist and author, known for "The Trauma of Everyday Life" and "Thoughts Without a Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective" Dr. Melanie Joy - Psychologist and author, known for "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows" and her work on carnism and veganism Dr. Michael Klaper - Physician and advocate for plant-based nutrition, known for his work in preventive medicine and documentaries like "Eating You Alive" and "What the Health" Gabrielle Bernstein - Author, motivational speaker, and life coach, known for her teachings on spirituality and personal development. Gary Zukav - Spiritual teacher and author, known for "The Seat of the Soul" and his exploration of spiritual evolution. Jon Kabat-Zinn - Professor of Medicine emeritus and creator of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. Lao Tzu - Ancient Chinese philosopher, traditionally credited with writing the "Tao Te Ching" Louise Hay - Author and motivational speaker, known for "You Can Heal Your Life" and founder of Hay House Sharon Salzberg - Meditation teacher and author, known for her teachings on loving-kindness meditation and mindfulness. Tara Brach - Psychologist, meditation teacher, and author, known for her work integrating Buddhist teachings with psychology.

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